Blueberry is a colorful, mysterious and tragic narrative platformer game about growing up, growing old and dealing with trauma.
Previously co-created games
Orwell – Keeping an Eye on You Orwell – Ignorance is Strength
Orwell is an interface-based privacy invasion thriller in which the player takes on the role of “big brother” to investigate the online data of citizens. The task of making moral decisions about which personal datachunks to feed into the government system and thus influencing the outcome of the story create a compelling and emotionally engaging experience.
The themes of the games are security versus privacy, the media echo chamber and online opinion manipulation.
Orwell has won multiple awards and was critically acclaimed by players and media.
Orwell: Keeping an Eye on You and Orwell: Ignorance is Strength was created by Mel Taylor, Michael Kluge and Daniel Marx, copyright © 2018 Osmotic Studios.